Archive for Декабрь, 2010
- Тип контента: Научная статья
- Номер документа: 7873
- Название документа: Нейроинтерфейс
- Номер (DOI, IBSN, Патент): Не заполнено
- Изобретатель/автор: Полякова А.Г.
- Правопреемник/учебное заведение: Не заполнено
- Дата публикации документа: 2010-12-31
- Страна опубликовавшая документ: Россия
- Язык документа: Английский
- Наименование изделия: Не заполнено
- Источник: Не заполнено
- Вложения: Да
- Аналитик: Глаголева Елена
Термин «интерфе йс» поисходит от английского слова Interface (поверхность раздела, перегородка). Представляет совокупность средств, методов и правил взаимодействия между элементами целого. Приставка «нейро-» (Neuro-) указывает на связь с нервами или нервной системой.
Категория: Научные статьи | Нет комментариев »
Classification of Upper Limb Motions from Around-Shoulder Muscle Activities
- Тип контента: Научная статья
- Номер документа: 7134
- Название документа: Classification of Upper Limb Motions from Around-Shoulder Muscle Activities
- Номер (DOI, IBSN, Патент): Не заполнено
- Изобретатель/автор: Hirokazu Soma, Yuse Horiuchi, Jose Gonzalez, Wenwei Yu
- Правопреемник/учебное заведение: Chiba University Japan
- Дата публикации документа: 2010-12-31
- Страна опубликовавшая документ: Япония
- Язык документа: Английский
- Наименование изделия: Не заполнено
- Источник: Не заполнено
- Вложения: Да
- Аналитик: Глаголева Елена
In recent years, detecting upper-limb motion intention has attracted growing research attention in order to improve the manipulation of a prosthetic hand. Recording of forearm muscle activity has been used as a signal source to detect wrist and hand motions using different pattern recognition techniques. However, it is difficult to take in consideration body coordinated motions from these signals alone; therefore the movement of the artificial limb can be unnatural, if consider as a part of the whole body coordination, and a dynamical coupling between the user and the prosthesis is impos-sible. Also, using only forearm muscle activities to drive the artificial limb leaves aside the possibi-lity for higher level amputees to use these systems.
Категория: Научные статьи | Нет комментариев »
Design of an active one-degree-of-freedom lower-limb exoskeleton with inertia compensation
- Тип контента: Научная статья
- Номер документа: 7549
- Название документа: Design of an active one-degree-of-freedom lower-limb exoskeleton with inertia compensation
- Номер (DOI, IBSN, Патент): 10.1177/0278364910385730
- Изобретатель/автор: Gabriel Aguirre-Ollinger, J. Edward Colgate, Michael A. Peshkin, Ambarish Goswami
- Правопреемник/учебное заведение: Northwestern University
- Дата публикации документа: 2010-12-31
- Страна опубликовавшая документ: США
- Язык документа: Английский
- Наименование изделия: Не заполнено
- Источник: The International Journal of Robotics Research
- Вложения: Да
- Аналитик: Глаголева Елена
Limited research has been done on exoskeletons to enable faster movements of the lower extremities. An exoskeleton’s mechanism can actually hinder agility by adding weight, inertia and friction to the legs; compensating inertia through control is particularly difficult due to instabili-ty issues. The added inertia will reduce the natural frequency of the legs, probably leading to lower step frequency during walking. We present a control method that produces an approximate compensation of an exoskeleton’s inertia. The aim is making the natural frequency of the exoskeleton-assisted leg larger than that of the unaided leg. The method uses admittance control to compensate for the weight and friction of the exoskeleton. Inertia compensation is emulated by adding a feedback loop consisting of low-pass filtered acceleration multiplied by a negative gain. This gain simulates negative inertia in the low-frequency range. We tested the controller on a statically supported, single-degree-of-freedom exoskeleton that assists swing movements of the leg. Subjects performed movement sequences, first unassisted and then using the exoskeleton, in the context of a computer-based task resembling a race. With zero inertia compensation, the steady-state frequency of the leg swing was consistently reduced. Adding inertia compensation enabled subjects to recover their normal frequency of swing.
Категория: Научные статьи | Нет комментариев »
Modifying the Soldiers’ Load Configuration Fof Improved Soldier Performance
- Тип контента: Научная статья
- Номер документа: 8038
- Название документа: Modifying the Soldiers’ Load Configuration Fof Improved Soldier Performance
- Номер (DOI, IBSN, Патент): Не заполнено
- Изобретатель/автор: L. Hasselquist, C. K. Bensel, K. N. Gregorczyk, L. Banderet, P. Frykman
- Правопреемник/учебное заведение: U.S. Army Natick Soldier Research, Development and Engineering Center Natick, U.S. Army Research Institute of Environmental Medicine Natick
- Дата публикации документа: 2010-12-31
- Страна опубликовавшая документ: США
- Язык документа: Английский
- Наименование изделия: Не заполнено
- Источник: Не заполнено
- Вложения: Да
- Аналитик: Глаголева Елена
This study was conducted to compare a modified load (ML) configuration (total mass = 36.5 kg) to a heavier load (total mass = 42.2 kg) comprised of currently issued items (SL) used by U.S. Army dismounted warfighters in theater. Both loads were compared to a baseline, i.e., a no-load (NL) condition (total mass = 9.1 kg). Fourteen Army Infantry Soldiers participated in this study, completing a series of tests in each load configuration. Oxygen uptake and gait kinematics and kinetics were recorded as participants walked (1.34 m/s on 0, 9, and 18% grades) and ran (2.46 m/s on a 0% grade). Rifle marksmanship (prone, kneeling, and standing firing positions) and grenade throws were assessed for accuracy and timeliness or accuracy and precision, respectively. Maximal effort physical activities were completed, consisting of five continuous 30-m rushes and obstacle course runs. Range of motion measurements and participants’ assessments of the load configurations were also included. Results: Mean oxygen uptake scaled to percentage of 2OVmax was significantly higher during walking and running for the ML and the SL conditions compared with the NL. Also, for walking at 9% grade, oxygen uptake for the ML was significantly lower than that for the SL. The kinematic and kinetic data generally revealed favorable significant differences for the NL compared with the ML and the SL configurations. On the shooting performance tasks and the maximal effort tasks, performance with the SL configuration differed from that with the NL to a greater extent than the ML configuration did. Participants rated the ML as their preferred configuration.
Категория: Научные статьи | Нет комментариев »
Assistive Control of Motion Therapy Devices based on Pneumatic Soft-Actuators with Rotary Elastic Chambers
- Тип контента: Научная статья
- Номер документа: 6668
- Название документа: Assistive Control of Motion Therapy Devices based on Pneumatic Soft-Actuators with Rotary Elastic Chambers
- Номер (DOI, IBSN, Патент): Не заполнено
- Изобретатель/автор: André Wilkening, David Baiden, Oleg Ivlev
- Правопреемник/учебное заведение: Friedrich-Wilhelm-Bessel-Institute Research Company University of Bremen, Institute of Automation Bremen, Germany
- Дата публикации документа: 2010-12-31
- Страна опубликовавшая документ: Германия
- Язык документа: Английский
- Наименование изделия: Не заполнено
- Источник: Не заполнено
- Вложения: Да
- Аналитик: Глаголева Елена
Robot assisted motion therapy attains increasingly importance and acceptance especially in neurorehabilitation after stroke or spinal injury, but also in orthopedic rehabi-litation and surgical interventions. Several studies have shown that a patientcooperative (assistive) motion therapy, which activates remaining muscle strength and so optimizes recovery, will cause a much higher effectiveness compared to commonly used continuous passive motion (CPM) machines with pre-programmed trajectories (motion profiles). This article describes an assistive control concept developed for orthopedic rehabilitation based on inherent compliant (soft) actuators. Control concept takes into acccount specific properties of physiotherapists behavior during treatment. The patient will be supported and at the same time encouraged to generate own muscular strength to perform desired movement. Concept has been implemented for two prototypes of motion therapy devices (MTD) for knee and shoulder motion therapy. The first prototype (Knee-MTD) has been extensively tested with healthy persons and now is being tested in the Clinic for Orthopaedics and Trauma Surgery of Klinikum Stuttgart to prove concept in real-life conditions.
Категория: Научные статьи | Нет комментариев »
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