IROS: an intelligent rehabilitative orthotic system for cerebrovascular accident
- Тип контента: Научная статья
- Номер документа: 1319
- Название документа: IROS: an intelligent rehabilitative orthotic system for cerebrovascular accident
- Номер (DOI, IBSN, Патент): 10.1109/ICSMC.1990.142234
- Изобретатель/автор: Lee, S., Bekey, G., Agah, A.
- Правопреемник/учебное заведение: Univ. of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA
- Дата публикации документа: 2002-08-06
- Страна опубликовавшая документ: США
- Язык документа: Английский
- Наименование изделия: Не заполнено
- Источник:
- Вложения: Не заполнено
- Аналитик: Не заполнено
An intelligent externally powered orthotic system (exoskeleton) for the treatment of motor dysfunctions of the upper extremities of stroke patients is described. IROS is an interactive and cooperative human-machine system, with both controlling the human arm. Initially, the machine is the main controller of the arm. As the patient improves, the human control of the arm increases, and the machine control of the arm decreases. The system combines the skills of professional therapists with a sensor-integrated orthosis and a real-time graphics system to ensure proper interaction and cooperation with the patient in order to achieve the goals of therapy. It uses the expertise of the therapists, which is incorporated into its knowledge system, while monitoring the sensory information from the patient, including the force, motion, and electromyogram (EMG) signals. The treatment-related tasks are displayed on the real-time graphic system to increase the interest and enhance the motivation of the patient. Such a system can be used to improve the rehabilitation process for stroke patients
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